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Fun & Educational Activities Parents Can Do at Home With Kids

Fun Educational Activities Parents Can Do at Home With Kids


One of the joys of parenting is getting the chance to teach your child about the world and watching them discover new things. Your role as an educator in your kid's life can become even more important if they're struggling with a certain subject in school. You can help your little one overcome educational barriers by implementing DIY learning activities at home. Read on to learn about fun ways you can help your child master tough subjects.


Teach your kids with confidence by getting an education degree


If the thought of taking charge of your child's education makes you nervous, additional training can boost your confidence. A degree in education can help you hone your knowledge in specific subject areas and teach practical skills, like instructional abilities and learner development. As a busy parent, opt for an online degree program with a flexible schedule that lets you combine parenting, working, and child care. Give this a view to scope out a program with core courses that can be completed in as little as five weeks.


Set up a nature scavenger hunt


An outdoor scavenger hunt is a wonderful way to teach children about nature and address school subjects like biology. To set one up, all you need is pencils or crayons and a list of things for kids to find. This could include types of plants, insects, and birds. As kids identify items, discuss them in an educational way. For example, a growing plant could lead to a lesson on photosynthesis, while a caterpillar can teach about metamorphosis.


Create your own family garden


Gardening is a fun hobby kids and adults alike can enjoy. You can also use the activity to teach about things like photosynthesis, composting, and the food chain. As an added bonus, your garden can feed your family. Best Pick Reports offers a guide to creating a garden that can feed your family all year round. It covers details like what to plant, when to plant crops, and how to preserve the goods you grow.


Cook what you grow in the kitchen


A gardening lesson can turn into a cooking lesson as you prepare meals from the produce you've grown. Cooking is a practical life skill that kids can use as they grow up. Here are some kid-friendly recipes to try. Cooking can also be used to teach science lessons. For example, you can use ice cubes to teach kids about the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. You can also learn about chemistry, for example, by using yeast to make bread rise.


Sing, dance, and make music together


Musical activities offer plenty of opportunities for learning. First, you can use music to teach kids other languages. Reset Fets explains that music can also be learned to teach math skills like counting and fractions. For example, music speeds may be indicated by one-half time or three-quarter time. Finally, musical activities offer an opportunity for dancing. This is a great way to get some exercise.


Encourage them to explore crafty hobbies


Crafts-related hobbies can spur kids' imagination and encourage them to exercise their creativity. Examples of fun and child-safe activities include beading, painting, and collaging. An activity like beading can be used to teach kids about colors and patterns, for example. Plus, children will develop dexterity and fine-tune motor skills as they have to grasp and sort the small beads. This roundup of kid-friendly art projects can inspire you.


As a parent, you want to do all you can to help your child succeed in school. Homemade educational experiments like those above can help them with tough subjects, from math to languages. To improve your educational abilities even more, consider getting an education degree. This can give you the skills and confidence you need to be a great teacher.


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