General Discussion
Working at home as a parent of a baby or toddler can present its own unique challenges. You might have tasks to complete within a certain time-frame, but your child has other ideas. Perhaps full-time daycare is too expensive or maybe there are no openings where you live. Winner shares how you can work from home with your little ones in tow without giving up your sanity.
Set Up an Area Just for Work
One of the most important things you can do is set up an area where you can work effectively. Experts agree that a dedicated workspace is necessary to focus while getting into the feel and mindset of work. Consider what type of work you are doing. Try to isolate your workspace so your child can't get into work equipment, or else childproof everything within your office. This should include things like keeping cords out of reach; it may help to “get down on their level” to see if you’ve eliminated any potentially hazardous items.
Additionally, given that you might be dealing with some stress in your home, do what you can to optimize your setting for wellness. Case Design notes that means trying to avoid clutter, but it also means maintaining as positive an outlook as possible, free of self-criticism and undo
pressure. Accept that you’re human and doing your best.
Explore Your Options
If your current living arrangement isn’t conducive to working from home, take a look at what’s available on the local housing market. You can quickly look into area homes and their features. If you’re willing to move, you should be able to find a home with a dedicated home office to make life a little easier.
Alternatively, if you need to get out to a co-working space or meeting, hire a nanny or sitter to take care of your little one while you run out. After completing an application, you can interview recommended helpers and choose the one right for you.
Find Activities That Are Simple and Safe for Your Child
If your child is slightly older or you have a job that you can step away from sometimes, set up activities for your child to do that require minimal or no supervision. While watching TV is a common suggestion, you could have your children play with blocks or Legos, put on dress-up clothes, or look at picture books.
Seek a Support System
A good support system can make all the difference in allowing you to get work done. If you have an active toddler or a position that requires you to devote your undivided attention for large blocks of time, it can be useful to enlist the help of family and friends. Discuss trading days you do childcare for one another, bartering, or even paying them to watch your child. It doesn't have to be for a long time if not necessary. Calling on a support system on occasion can free up your own time so you can focus on work, making life easier for you.
Develop a Schedule
It doesn't matter if you set your own schedule or someone makes it for you: It is crucial to have a routine not just for your job, but also for your life at home with your child. One option is to get up in the morning, get ready, and have breakfast with your children. Later in the day, they might be feeling sleepy after they eat lunch, so this can be a good time for them to nap while you get down to business. Head Start points out that having routines benefits children and adults alike, providing a sense of security for both parties.
Get a Job That Works With Your Children
Be sure that you're taking time to maintain a healthy relationship and stay engaged with your children. Perhaps it is time to find a job that allows you to work with your children. Positions in a
teaching or school setting can be right for this, although you may need to go back to school and complete your training. If you're hoping to change your job but can't take off time for education, it is possible to attend programs online. This allows you to keep your current position while caring for your children. After completing your bachelor's, to get a teaching license you are typically required by the state to submit transcripts, pass an exam and skill tests if needed, and undergo a background check, but then you would have a whole new career waiting for you.
It is possible to work with babies and toddlers, provided you know how to manage your time and tasks. Be sure your office is childproofed and that your space is conducive to work. Don’t hesitate to explore your options. These suggestions can help you save money on childcare while making the most of your busy day.
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